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Version: 0.21.2

Visual Regression with AskUI

On this page you will learn how to use AskUI in combination with Jest and the package jest-image-snapshot to include a visual regression test in your AskUI runs.

Install jest-image-snapshot

In your terminal, navigate into the folder where you initialized AskUI while following our Getting Started (Linux, macOS)

Install jest-image-snapshot as a dev-dependency

npm install --save-dev jest-image-snapshot


The package provides a function toMatchImageSnapshot which implements Jest's Matchers<R> interface making it a Jest matcher that can be used with Jest's expect().

You have to add this matcher to Jest with expect.extend like this in your workflow file (See the docs):

const { toMatchImageSnapshot } = require('jest-image-snapshot');
expect.extend({ toMatchImageSnapshot });

Now the only thing you have to provide for a regression test in your workflows is an image to the function expect() as Buffer:


You can use AskUI to get the screenshot as a base64 encoded string. The string is in the format of a data URL. So you have to strip the scheme data:[<mediatype>][;base64], away because it is not a valid image with the scheme. Here is the full code:

const annotate = await aui.annotate();
const imageBase64 = annotate.image;

// Strip away this: data:image/png;base64,
// Not valid png -> Only if used as a data URL
let imageBuffer = Buffer.from(
imageBase64.split('base64,')[1], 'base64');


Get It to Work with TypeScript

When you run this as it is you will get an error.

This is because Jest's TypeScript-typings in jest.d.ts do not include toMatchImageSnapshot.

Luckily TypeScript has a mechanism called Declaration Merging. When we create a file jest.d.ts in our project and declare our matcher there, TypeScript will pick it up.

declare namespace jest {
interface Matchers {
toMatchImageSnapshot(): CustomMatcherResult;

How Jest-Image-Snapshot Works

Explanation from the repository:

Given an image (Buffer instance with PNG image data) the toMatchImageSnapshot() matcher will create an image_snapshots directory in the directory the test is in and will store the baseline snapshot image there on the first run. Note that if customSnapshotsDir option is given then it will store baseline snapshot there instead. On subsequent test runs the matcher will compare the image being passed against the stored snapshot. To update the stored image snapshot run Jest with --updateSnapshot or -u argument. All this works the same way as Jest snapshots.

You also want to check out the options you can provide to toMatchImageSnapshot() to fine-tune the behavior. For example you might want to set a threshold for a mismatch so that minimal differences do not fail a run:

failureThreshold: 0.01,
failureThresholdType: 'percent'