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Version: 0.21.2


Enable and Configure the AskUIAnnotationStepReporter in jest.setup.ts

import { AskUIAnnotationStepReporter, AnnotationLevel } from '@askui/askui-reporters';
aui = await{
reporter: new AskUIAnnotationStepReporter(
// AnnotationLevel.ON_FAILURE, /* Uncomment and change to AnnotationLevel.ALL for reporting at every step */
// folderPath: "report", /* Uncomment and change property for different folder */
// fileNameSuffix: "_testStep_annotation" /* Uncomment and change property for different file name suffix */

AnnotationLevel is implemented as an enumeration. You have two options:

  • ON_FAILURE (Default Value): After a step failed
  • ALL: After every step

folderPath is the folder name, relative to the root of your project, the report-files will be saved to.

  • Default value: report

fileNameSuffix: The suffix for every report-file.

  • The generated report-filename has the following name convention: ** {YYYYYYMMDDTHHmmsssss}_{passed|failed}{fileNameSuffix}.html ** Example: 20230922072153421_failed_testStep_annotation.html