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2024.01.31 | OCR Model Enhancement

· One min read
Leon Meier
Head of Product


We're excited to announce a speed enhancement in our OCR model, reducing processing times by 300 milliseconds.

Feature Update

OCR Model Speed Improvement

  • Faster text recognition, significantly improving workflow efficiency.
  • 1.62 sec down to 1.26 sec

Detailed Description

OCR Model Speed Enhancement

Our latest update has optimized the OCR model, achieving a notable speed increase while maintaining high accuracy.

Model: task='e2e_ocr' architecture='easy_ocr' version='1' interface='im2txtbox' use_case='faster' tags=[]
Average runtime: 1.2629041004180908
Standard deviation: 0.13027134152564313
Median: 1.2297358512878418

We are in the process of creating comprehensive documentation for our enhanced OCR model. We'd love to hear from you about what specific aspects or features you'd like to see covered in the documentation. Please share your thoughts and suggestions with us to ensure our documentation meets your needs and expectations.

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