Here is the formatted table with the terminology and meanings:

access tokenGives you access to the AskUI inference in combination with your workspace ID. Every access token has an expiry date and is assigned to exactly one workspace.
actionA method in the AskUI Control Client API that describes an action to be taken against the operating system, e.g., click(), type().
annotationMarked area around an element with metadata including name, text, and bounding box coordinates.
automationA system of multiple connected workflows.
bounding boxA rectangle described by coordinates that define an element’s location, visually displayed as a red rectangle.
credentialsA combination of workspace ID and access token, both tied to the same workspace.
elementA user interface component that websites and blocks are built from.
element-descriptionA coded description for a UI element in the AskUI Control Client API, e.g., button() or textfield().contains().text('Email').
inferenceThe process of annotating a user interface.
inference serverThe backend system that performs inference (UI analysis and annotation).
instructionA single AskUI directive, usually consisting of action + (optional) element-description.
interactive annotationExploring the annotations of a user interface through an annotated screenshot.
UI Controller (legacy)A service that controls inputs and observes visuals on the operating system.
AskUI ControllerThe updated service that controls inputs and observes visuals on the operating system.
UI Control ClientRetrieves annotations from the inference server and executes input instructions on the operating system via the AskUI Controller.
AskUI Studio (former User Portal)A platform where you can create access tokens for your workspace.
AskUI-InstallerThe installer that sets up AskUI components on a machine.
AskUI Development Environment (ADE)A terminal environment for setting up and managing AskUI components and projects.
AskUI RunnerA self-hosted component that downloads and runs workflows from AskUI Studio.
workflowA set of instructions designed to complete a single task.
workspaceEvery registered user has exactly one workspace, which can contain multiple access tokens.
workspace IDThe unique identifier for your workspace, used in combination with an access token to access AskUI inference.