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2024.06.24 | AskUI SDK 0.20.0 and aiElement()

· One min read
Johannes Dienst
Developer Advocate


This release includes two features we put a lot of effort into:

  • AI Element Creation Workflow (Windows only)
  • Convenience method expectAllExist which takes an array of descriptions for elements and returns if they are detected on the screen.

We also introduced a breaking change for the convenience method clickText() to make our API more consistent.

Breaking Changes

  • Method signature changed for clickText(). type becomes matching. API docs
// Before
await aui.clickText({text: 'Hello World', type: 'similar'});

// Now
await aui.clickText({text: 'Hello World', matching: 'similar'});

New Features

ADE commandlets to create and manage AI Elements:

Convenience method added to AskUI TypeScript SDK: