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Version: 0.20.7

AskUI UI Controller (Legacy)



  • binaryVersion: string - Default: latest

There are different versions of the askui UI Controller. Not all versions are supported for all operating systems. You can specify which binary version of server you want to download and use. The default value is latest which will download the newest version.


  • display: number - Default: 0

You can choose on which display you want to run all tests. You can only perform all tests on one display. The application which you want to automate should be open and selected on your chosen display.

The default value of display is 0 which is your main monitor. If you want to use your second monitor you can change the value to 1 (2 for your third monitor etc.).

There is also a possibility to detect the value of your monitors. After the start of the askui UI Controller you should see an askui icon. After clicking on this icon you can choose the option Show. You will see the same window as the following image.

Select Monitor Option

Now you can identify the order of your monitors and you can also select the monitor in this configuration.


  • host: string - Default:

The host the askui UI Controller is running on.


  • logFilePath: string - Default: <temp-dir>/askui/askui-server.log

It is possible to specify a path for your log files. Per default we create the askui-server.log file and askui folder in your temp folder.


  • logLevel: LogLevels - Default: debug

You can set the log level using the LogLevels. The following values are available: "fatal", "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace", "silent", "verbose". All log levels are defined in an LogLevels enumeration.


  • minimize: boolean - Default: true

The default value of this property is true. This means that askui UI Controller will be started as minimized window.


  • overWriteBinary: boolean - Default: false

Download the provided Version of askui UI Controller. If a version is already downloaded. This version will be overwritten.


  • port: number - Default: 6769

The port the askui UI Controller is running on.


  • actionDelayInMs: number - Default: 1000

actionDelayInMs is the time that the askui UI controller waits between actions. This can be used to slow down or speed up the execution.

Let's say, you want to click on the login button and then navigate to the home page by clicking on the home button but you have to wait 2s before clicking it because it takes some time logging in. You can increase the actionDelayInMs to 2000 in this case. But be careful, as it is going to slow down all your instructions. It may be better to use waitFor() between the two clicking actions.


import { UiControlClient, UiController, LogLevels } from 'askui';

describe('jest with askui', () => {

// Server for controlling the operating system
let uiController: UiController;

beforeAll(async () => {
uiController = new UiController({

// choosing the second monitor
display: 1,

// download the latest version of the server
binaryVersion: 'latest',

// start askui UI Controller as minimized application
minimize: true,

// using error loglevel
logLevel: LogLevels.ERROR,

// Set the action delay lower than the default
actionDelayInMs: 500,



Download the binary/binaries for the respective platform(s):


macOS After installation to Applications remove the quarantine flag with the following command run from a terminal: xattr -d /Applications/