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Version: 0.20.7

AskUI UI Control Client

The configuration of the AskUI UiControlClient is located in your AskUI-Project in file askui_example/helpers/askui-helper.ts.

Log Level

Set the log level of the AskUI UI Control Client using the LOG_LEVEL environment variable. The following log levels are available:

  • "fatal"
  • "error"
  • "warn"
  • "info"
  • "debug"
  • "trace"
  • "silent"
  • "verbose".

The log level defaults to "info". and it can be changed with the following command:

Bash or similar:

export LOG_LEVEL=verbose





  • uiControllerUrl: string - Default:

The URL of the AskUI Controller controlling the OS.


  • inferenceServerUrl: string - Default:

The address of the AskUI Inference server.


  • resize: number? - Default: undefined The side length of the target image to resize to in pixels. Your screenshot image will be resized with the original aspect ratio, and the lengths image side will be equal to this number. This can be used to reduce the inference time by reducing the request size in case of a bad internet connection. But it can cause a decrease in the prediction quality. The resizing will be skipped if it's undefined.


  • credentials: Credentials Your user credentials - Optional.
    • workspaceId: string Your workspace id
    • token: string An access token for authentication with the AskUI Inference Server

Provide credentials for authentication with the AskUI Inference Server if you would like to use dedicated, more powerful and stable resources instead of public resources. Credentials can also be provided using the environment variables ASKUI_WORKSPACE_ID and ASKUI_TOKEN but in-code configuration takes precedence over these environment variables. Independent of how you configure the credentials, make sure to use one way to configure all the credentials, i.e., if you set the workspace id via setting the ASKUI_WORKSPACE_ID environment variable, you need to set token with environment variables as well.

Setting credentials in code:

 let aui = await{
credentials: {
workspaceId: '<your workspace id>',
token: '<your access token>',

Setting credentials using environment variables (PowerShell):

$env:ASKUI_WORKSPACE_ID = <your workspace id>
$env:ASKUI_TOKEN = <your access token>

Setting credentials using environment variables (Bash or similar):

export ASKUI_WORKSPACE_ID=<your workspace id>
export ASKUI_TOKEN=<your access token>


  • reporter: Reporter or Reporter[] the reporter(s) to report on step runs/executions - optional.

Set one or multiple AskUI step reporters that implement AskUI's Reporter interface. We provide step reporters through the askui-reporters package. See our reporting page for instructions on how to implement your own reporter.

Setting multiple reporters in code (example):

aui = await{
reporter: [
new AskUIAnnotationStepReporter(
new AskUIJestHtmlStepReporter({
withScreenshots: 'always' as const,
withDetectedElements: 'always' as const,

See our reporting page for a comprehensive overview.