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Silent Unix Installer (macOS, Linux)

The installer for macOS and Linux requires user interaction during the installation. The silent mode lets you install the AskUI Suite without further user interaction.


Help Arguments

  • -v, —version: Display the installer version.
> bash ./AskUI-Suite-<your version>-User-Installer-<MacOS or Linux>-<AMD64 or ARM64> -v

AskUI Suite Installer version 24.8.1
  • -h, —help: Display help information.
> bash ./AskUI-Suite-<your version>-User-Installer-<MacOS or Linux>-<AMD64 or ARM64> -h 

AskUI Suite Installer version
1) Getting help or info about ./
./ -h, --help Print this message
./ -v, --version Print installer version
./ -i, --info Print embedded info: title, version, OS, Architecture, ...

2) Running ./
./ [options]
with following options (in that order)
-a, --accept-license
Bypass the display and prompting for acceptance of the
askui GmbH License Agreement. By passing this option
you indicate that you have read and accept the License Agreement.

-sm, --silent-mode
Run the installer in silent mode. No user interaction is required.
This implies that the license agreement is accepted.

-cfg, --configuration-file <filePath>
Installer configuration file path in JSON format.
Available keys are:
OverwritePreviousInstaller (true/false)
ProxyHttpAddress (string)
ProxyHttpsAddress (string)
TLSConnectionCertificate (string)
  • -i, —info: Display embedded information about the installer.
> bash ./AskUI-Suite-<your version>-User-Installer-<MacOS or Linux>-<AMD64 or ARM64> -i
Identification: AskUI Suite Installer
Built for OS: MacOS
Built for Architecture: ARM64
Uncompressed size: 1402820 KB
Compression: gzip
Encryption: n
Date of packaging: Wed Sep 25 09:28:17 CEST 2024
Built with Makeself version 2.5.0

Installation Arguments

The installer accepts three arguments:

  • -a, --accept-license: Bypass the display and prompting for acceptance of askui GmbH License Agreement. By passing this option you indicate that you have read and accept the License Agreement.
  • -sm, --silent-mode: Run the installer in silent mode. No user interaction is required. This implies that the license agreement is accepted.
    • If used without a configuration file, the following default settings will be applied:
      • OverwritePreviousInstaller: false
      • ProxyHttpAddress: undefined
      • ProxyHttpsAddress: undefined
      • TLSConnectionCertificate: undefined
  • -cfg, --configuration-file <absoluteFilePath>: Specify the path to the installer configuration file in JSON format.
    • Available keys are:
      • OverwritePreviousInstaller: (true/false)
      • ProxyHttpAddress: (string)
      • ProxyHttpsAddress: (string)
      • TLSConnectionCertificate: (string)
"OverwritePreviousInstaller": false,
"ProxyHttpAddress" : "http://Proxy:8080",
"ProxyHttpsAddress" : "http://Proxy:8080",
"TLSConnectionCertificate": "<absoluteFilePath>",