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ADE in Visual Studio Code

The ADE is build to work seamlessly with VSCode. Therefore we guide you to create VSCode Workspace Settings.

  1. Create a <project>/.vscode folder with mkdir .vscode

Configure the askui-shell

  1. Create the <project>/.vscode/settings.json with the following content:
"livePreview.customExternalBrowser": "Default",
"askui-shell": {
"path": ["${env:ASKUI_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY}\\Tools\\askui-shell.cmd"],
"icon": "robot",
"overrideName": true,
"color": "terminal.ansiMagenta",
"": "askui-shell"
  • Configures the askui-shell
  • Sets the askui-shell as default

Then the askui-shell is configured as the default terminal like this:

askui logo

Configure Jest Runner, ESLint & Live View

Add the recommended extensions for VSCode by adding <project>/.vscode/extensions.json with following content:

"recommendations": ["", "firsttris.vscode-jest-runner", "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint"]
  • HTML Live Viewer for viewing annotations inside VSCode instead of, for example, having to jump out of VSCode and open it in a web browser.
  • firsttris.vscode-jest-runner: Jest Runner to start single test out of the IDE.
  • dbaeumer.vscode-eslint: ESLint plugin to show missing exec().

Then you can install the extension by clicking on Install under:

askui logo

Use Jest Runner

You can start a workflow by clicking on Run inside a *test.ts-file:

askui logo

Use ESLint

ESLint Plugin is showing you if you forgot an exec():

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Use Live Viewer

The Live Viewer can show you the annotation without leaving VSCode:

askui logo