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You have two options to implement your pipeline. With our AskUI Runner Docker container or without it.

The main difference without the AskUI Runner container is, that you can not download the latest version of your workflows from AskUI Studio inside your pipeline but have to provide them to your build.

GitHub Actions

AskUI Runner Container: Get Workflows from AskUI Studio

When you want to get the latest version of your workflows from AskUI Studio, the AskUI Runner container needs a configuration file config.yaml to know where to pull them from.

The AskUI Runner container downloads the workflows and runs them inside a docker container. You do not have to take care of any installation of tools on your side 🥳.

  1. Set these environment variables for your pipeline:
ASKUI_WORKSPACE_ID=<Your workspace id from AskUI Studio>
ASKUI_TOKEN=<An access token from your AskUI Studio workspace>
ASKUI_INFERENCE_SERVER_URL=<Use if your are not on-premise>

DOCKER_USERNAME=<Your Docker Hub username>
DOCKER_PASSWORD=<Your Docker Hub password>
  1. Create a config.yaml inside your pipeline like this:
cat << EOF > config.yaml
access_token: ${{ secrets.ASKUI_TOKEN }}
inference_server_url: ${{ secrets.ASKUI_INFERENCE_SERVER_URL }}
workspace_id: ${{ secrets.ASKUI_WORKSPACE_ID }}
- workspaces/${{ secrets.ASKUI_WORKSPACE_ID }}/test-cases
url: ${{ secrets.ASKUI_WORKFLOW_ENDPOINT_URL }}/workspaces/${{ secrets.ASKUI_WORKSPACE_ID }}/objects
  1. Execute your workflows with our AskUI Runner container. Do not forget to login into Docker Hub 😉.
docker run --shm-size="2g" --rm -v ${{ github.workspace }}/config.yaml:/home/askui/config.yaml -v ${{ github.workspace }}/allure-results:/home/askui/test_project/allure-results askuigmbh/askui-runner:v0.13.1-github
  1. Generate Allure report: The run results are placed in allure-results where you can render your report from. Check the detailed examples for your pipeline technology.

Please check the full example file on GitHub.

Without AskUI Runner Container

Download the workflows from AskUI Studio and place the folder test in the root of your repository.

Then implement the following steps in your pipeline:

  • Optional: Set up AskUI Controller as service
  • Setup node in version 16.x
  • Install all dependencies: npm install
  • Run tests with npm run test
    • Set the environment variables:
      • Optional: UI_CONTROLLER_URL if the UIController is running on a remote machine and not localhost or as a service inside your pipeline.
  • For reports:
    • Generate reports
    • Deploy/Send reports

Please check the full example file on GitHub.