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Version: 0.21.2

Google Cat Image Search

The following tutorial shows you how to search for cat images on Google Image Search with AskUI.


  • Follow one of the two options under Start to install AskUI
  • Open a Chrome browser window on your screen
    • If you have multiple screens, configure the used display by setting the display variable in test/helpers/askui-helper.ts

Setting Up AskUI

💭 Let’s say we’re on and we want to search for an image of a cat and then download it to our computer.

First, we break this task down into steps that a user would take. Then we can recreate those steps with AskUI instructions in code.

  1. Go to Google Search page
  2. Go to google images
  3. Type “cat” in the search bar
  4. Select image
  5. Right-click + save the image

Let us first get an annotated screenshot, where all of the on-screen elements are enclosed within annotated bounding boxes. This will help us select the correct elements with our instructions.

Open the file test/my-first-askui-test-suite.test.ts and replace the it-code block starting in line 4 with the following code:

it('annotate', async () => {
await aui.annotate()

Run the code from your terminal to create an annotated screenshot. A folder report in your project folder will appear.

npm run askui

If you want to annotate interactively change it to the following:

it('annotate', async () => {

// Hit 'Esc' to stop the annotation
// when you are done
await aui.annotateInteractively()

📌 The annotations are basically the substitute for IDs in selector-based frameworks. You can click on them to copy them into your clipboard.

If you are having problems with the execution, have a look at our Troubleshooting page.

Writing and Debugging an AskUI Workflow

Now we can start to write our workflow, by locating the elements and then executing an instruction on them. Remember the steps, that we wanted to recreate?

  1. Go to Google Search page
  2. Go to google images
  3. Type “cat” in the search bar
  4. Select image
  5. Right-click + save the image

Make sure to open your browser on the configured display before the execution and move your mouse over the browser window immediately after starting the execution!

In the end, your code for the workflow looks like this.

import { aui } from './helper/jest.setup';

describe('jest with askui', () => {
it('should find a cat image and save it', async () => {

// Make sure the browser window has focus
await aui.mouseLeftClick().exec();

// Open a new tab with keyboard shortcut
// MacOS: command + t
// Windows: control + T
// Linux: control + t
await aui
.pressTwoKeys('command', 't')

// type into browser bar
await aui
.withText('Search Google or type a URL')

// Hit enter key
await aui

// Click the Images-text to the right of Gmail
await aui

// Type in cat into search field
// Notice: withText does not have to be 100% equal
await aui

await aui

// withText might need to be changed depending
// on your search results!
await aui
.withText("pet guru Yuki Hattori explaiinICats")

// Save the image with right click
await aui

// Find the right dialog entry
await aui
.withText('save image as')

// Save it
// If it does not work because the button is not found
// Remove the '.button()'
await aui


It’s possible that you’ll run into problems with locating elements. For example, when creating the tutorial, we first tried to locate the image nearest to the image title, like this:

await aui
.withText("pet guru Yuki Hattori explaiinICats")

But it turns out, that our model uses a different metric for measuring distance between elements, which is why our workflow failed the first time. Then we substituted this function for above(), which fixed the problem for us.

Another problem regarding font-size occurred with the Images button. The model recognized Image with an s missing at the end. That is why we switched from _withText('Images') to withTextRegex('Image*').

await aui

It is always a good idea to try to play around with the functions and see if you can tackle the problem from a different angle.

If you have a recurring or persisting issue, don’t hesitate to ask the community for help. You can be sure that your questions will be answered there. We’re excited to hear about how you apply AskUI to your projects.

If you have any feature requests, please feel free to post them in our Featurebase board.

Best regards and happy automating!