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Version: 0.21.2



Due to restrictions this reporter only works when you run your workflows one after another (default for AskUI)!

Enable and Configure the AskUIXRayStepReporter in askui-helper.ts (former jest.setup.ts)

You have to do a few things in your askui-helper.ts (former jest.setup.ts) to enable the AskUIXRayStepReporter:


We will try to move this into the custom testEnvironment we provide.

  1. Import the reporter
  2. Initialize the reporter
  3. Add it to the UiControlClient
  4. Modify before beforeEach() and afterEach() hook to create/finish TestEntries
  5. Add writing the report to afterAll() hook
import { UiControlClient } from 'askui';

/* 1 Import the reporter */
import { AskUIXRayStepReporter } from '@askui/askui-reporters';


/* 2 Initialize the reporter */
let xRayReporter = new AskUIXRayStepReporter({
withScreenshots: 'always',
// outputDirectory (default: 'xray-report')
// resetReportDirectory -> deletes the outputDirectory
// before execution if set to true (default: false)
// appendToReport -> appends the results to the file 'report.json'
// if set to true. Otherwise it creates files
// report_<timestamp>.json (default: false)

beforeAll(async () => {
aui = await{
/* 3 Enable reporter */
reporter: xRayReporter,

await aui.connect();

/* 4 Create TestEntry with name of test from it-block */
beforeEach(async () => {

/* 4 Finish TestEntry with the test status */
afterEach(async () => {
xRayReporter.finishTestEntry(global.testName, global.testStatus);

afterAll(async () => {
/* 5 Writing the report */
await xRayReporter.writeReport();

export { aui };

Configure jest-xray-environment in jest.config.ts

For the AskUIXRayStepReporter step reporter to work properly you need a special testEnvironment that provides the names from the it-blocks used to create the JSON-Objects for each test. Configure the testEnvironment in your jest.config.ts as shown in the code below:

import type { Config } from '@jest/types';

const config: Config.InitialOptions = {
preset: 'ts-jest',
testEnvironment: '@askui/askui-jest-xray-environment',
setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./helpers/askui-helper.ts'],
sandboxInjectedGlobals: [
reporters: [ "default", "jest-junit" ]

// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export
export default config;