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Version: 0.21.2


With the AskUIAllureStepReporter you can create a detailed HTML-Report from your AskUI Runs. The following report is pulled from our GitHub Repository: askui-example-allure-reporter:

Add the reporter to the UiControlClient in helpers/askui-helper.ts:


If you used the AskUI Installer and did not change anything in helpers/askui-helper.ts you can skip the configuration and directly go to Render and View Report.

import { AskUIAllureStepReporter } from "@askui/askui-reporters";
const reporterConfig: ReporterConfig = {
withScreenshots: 'always', // See below for possible values
withDetectedElements: 'always', // See below for possible values

aui = await{
reporter: new AskUIAllureStepReporter(

You can pass a ReporterConfig object to the reporter to configure the level of detail for screenshots and detected elements.

There are four possible values (See the @askui/askui-reporters README for a detailed explanation):

  • onFailure (Default for both)
  • required
  • begin
  • always

Configure beforeEach() and afterEach() in helpers/askui-helper.ts

The UiControlClient retrieves the videos and images from your AskUI Controller. You have to implement beforeEach() and afterEach() in helpers/askui-helper.ts to start the recording and then add it to your report:

  1. Allure Reporter
beforeEach(async () => {
await aui.startVideoRecording();

afterEach(async () => {
await aui.stopVideoRecording();
const video = await aui.readVideoRecording();
await AskUIAllureStepReporter.attachVideo(video);

Enable the Test Environment @askui/jest-allure-circus in jest.config.ts

Install @askui/jest-allure-circus environment:

npm install --save-dev @askui/jest-allure-circus
import type { Config } from '@jest/types';

const config: Config.InitialOptions = {
preset: 'ts-jest',
setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./helper/askui-helper.ts'],
sandboxInjectedGlobals: [
// Enables the test environment for Allure
testEnvironment: '@askui/jest-allure-circus',

// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export
export default config;

Render and View the Report in a Browser (Java Required)

Step 1: Install Java

We recommend SDKMAN! for managing Java. Please follow the Installation guide on their homepage.

Then run the following command to use the latest Java JDK:

sdk install java 21.0.2-amzn

Answer the question Do you want java 21.0.2-amzn to be set as default? (Y/n) with Y.

Step 2: Install allure-commandline

The next thing you install is a npm-package so you can run Allure inside npm.

npm install allure-commandline --save-dev

Step 3: Generate HTML and Serve Report

Add the following scripts to your package.jsons script section.

"scripts": {
"allure-generate": "allure generate",
"allure-serve": "allure serve"

Step 4: Run the Scripts

First create the HTML-Report by running:

npm run allure-generate

And after that serve the HTML-Report by running the following command, which will also open the report in the browser automatically:

npm run allure-serve