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Version: 0.21.2



Filters elements based on a textual description.

What Should I Write as Matching Text

The text description inside the matching() should describe the element visually. It understands color, some famous company/product names, general descriptions.

Important: Matching only returns the best matching element when you use it with get()

A bit of playing around to find a matching description is sometimes needed: E.g., puzzle piece can fail while an icon showing a puzzle piece might work. Generally, the more detail the better.

We also recommend to not restrict the type of element by using the general selector element() as shown in the examples below.


// Select the black sneaker from a bunch of sneakers
await'a black sneaker shoe').exec();

// Select an image that has text in it
await'has Burger King in it').exec();
await'has adidas in it').exec();

// Target a logo/image by describing it
await'a mask on purple background and a firefox logo').exec();
await'logo looking like an apple with one bite bitten off').exec();
await'logo looking like a seashell').exec();
  • @param {string} text - A description of the target element.