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Version: 0.21.2




We have a powerful replacement of Custom Elements: Please use AI Elements.

Filters for a 'custom element', that is a UI element that is defined by providing an image and other parameters such as degree of rotation. It allows filtering for a UI element based on an image instead of using text or element descriptions like button().withText('Submit') in await'Submit').exec().

See the tutorial - Custom Element for more details.


await aui
customImage: './logo.png', // required
name: 'myLogo', // optional
threshold: 0.5, // optional, defaults to 0.5
stopThreshold: 0.9, // optional, defaults to 0.9
rotationDegreePerStep: 0, // optional, defaults to 0
imageCompareFormat: 'grayscale', // optional, defaults to 'grayscale'
// mask:{x:0, y:0}[] // optional, a polygon to match only a certain area of the custom element


  • customImage (string, required):
    • A cropped image in the form of a base64 string or file path.
  • name (string, optional):
    • A unique name that can be used for filtering for the custom element. If not given, any text inside the custom image will be detected via OCR.
  • threshold (number, optional):
    • A threshold for how much a UI element needs to be similar to the custom element as defined by the image. Takes values between 0.0 (== all elements are recognized as the custom element which is probably not what you want) and 1.0 (== elements need to look exactly like the customImage which is unlikely to be achieved as even minor differences count). Defaults to 0.5.
  • stopThreshold (number, optional):
    • A threshold for when to stop searching for UI elements similar to the custom element. As soon as UI elements have been found that are at least as similar as the stopThreshold, the search is going to stop. After that elements are filtered using the threshold. Because of that the stopThreshold should be greater than or equal to threshold. It is primarily to be used as a speed improvement (by lowering the value). Takes values between 0.0 and 1.0. Defaults to 0.9.
  • rotationDegreePerStep (number, optional):
    • Step size in rotation degree. Rotates the custom image by this step size until 360° is exceeded. The range is from 0 to 360. Defaults to 0.
  • imageCompareFormat ('RGB' | 'grayscale' | 'edges', optional):
    • The color compare style. 'edges' compares only edges, 'greyscale' compares the brightness of each pixel whereas 'RGB' compares all three colors (red, green, blue). Defaults to 'grayscale'.

    • @param {CustomElementJson} customElement - The custom element to filter for.