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Version: 0.21.2



Click on a specific text. You can also use a RegEx or match the text exactly by specifying the specific flag. Use a relation to find the text in relation to a specific text.


// Click text that matches exactly
await aui.clickText({text: 'askui', matching: 'similar'})

// Click text that contains 'pie' or 'cake' or 'Pie' or 'Cake'
await aui.clickText({text: '.*([Pp]ie|[Cc]ake).*', matching: 'regex'})

// Click the text 'TERMINAL' that is left of the text 'Ports'
await aui.clickText({
text: 'TERMINAL',
matching: 'exact',
relation: { type: 'leftOf', text: 'PORTS' }
  • @param {Object} params - Object containing required text property and optional properties for regular expression matching and relation.
  • @property {string} params.text - The text to be clicked.
  • @property {string} params.matching - Whether the text is matched using similarity, exact match or a regular expression.
  • @property {Object} params.relation - Object describing the relationship between the clicked text and another element.
  • @property {RelationsForConvenienceMethods} params.relation.type - The type of relation.
  • @property {string} params.relation.text - The label or text associated with the related element or state.