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Version: 0.21.2



Click a button with a specific label. Optional relation identifies the button in relation to another element.


await aui.clickButton({})
await aui.clickButton({label: 'Checkout here'})
await aui.clickButton({relation: {type: 'leftOf', text: 'Choose a ticket'}})
await aui.clickButton({label: 'Click', relation: {type: 'leftOf', text: 'Choose a ticket'}})
  • @param {Object} params - Object containing properties.
  • @property {string} [params.label] - The text label of the button. Defaults to an empty string.
  • @property {Object} [params.relation] - Object describing the relationship between the clicked button and another element.
  • @property {RelationsForConvenienceMethods} params.relation.type - The type of relation.
  • @property {string} params.relation.text - The text element the relation is based on.