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Version: 0.21.2



Puts the focus on the filtered element and types in the text.

Note: In the current version it copies the text and pastes it.

By default, the text is included in the logs and sent over to the askui Inference server to predict in which context the typing has to occur. You can exclude the text from the logs and the request to the askui Inference server setting options.isSecret to true. This should not change the quality of the prediction of the askui Inference server. In this case, options.secretMask is included in logs and sent over instead of the text.


await aui.typeIn('Type some text').textfield().exec()

// mask the text so it is not send to the askui-inference server
await aui.typeIn('Type some text', { isSecret: true, secretMask: '**' }).textfield().exec()

  • @param {string} text - A text to type
  • @param {Object} [options]
  • @param {boolean} [options.isSecret = false] - If set to true, text is neither included in logs of askui nor sent over to askui Inference for prediction.
  • @param {string} [options.secretMask = '****'] - If options.isSecret is set to true, this is included in logs and sent over to askui Inference for prediction instead of the text.