List Usage Events
List usage events sorted chronologically by timestamp. Events can be filtered by workspace, user, or access token.
Filter combinations:
- Multiple filters (e.g. workspace_id & user_id) use AND logic
- Multiple values for same filter (e.g. workspace_id=123&workspace_id=456) use OR logic
- Use starting_after with event IDs for cursor-based navigation
- has_more indicates if more events exist beyond limit
- total_count (optional) shows total matching events up to 100,000
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Query Parameters
Filter by workspace IDs
Filter by user IDs
Filter events by access token IDs
IMPORTANT: This is not the same as the access token used in the authorization header of the request as this would be insecure but the id of the token. The id can be look up using the access token lookup endpoint.
Include events starting from this time (inclusive).
Format: Unix timestamp, e.g., 1717689600
, or ISO 8601 with timezone, e.g., 2024-06-06T16:00:00Z
Include events until this time (exclusive).
Format: Unix timestamp, e.g., 1717689600
, or ISO 8601 with timezone, e.g., 2024-06-06T16:00:00Z
Return events after this event ID; to be used for pagination, won't change the total_count
Maximum number of events to return (in the response). The lower the faster the response time (less memory consumption or bandwidth).
1 <= x <= 1000
Include additional fields in the response.
- The total count represents all the number of events that match the query, not only the ones returned in the response, but is only accurate up to 100000 events.